Bread Cake Category: Desserts: Cake, cookies, mousse, puddings, etc.. Posted by: ?? Quantity: ??

Ingredients: 12 slices bread 1 cup water 1 c. sugar 4 eggs, 2 T. cinnamon 1 c. flour

Instructions: Soak the bread in the water until bread is soft and mushy. In the meantime combine the rest of the ingredients in a large bowl. Add the bread mixture and mix thoroughly. In a 9x9 pan put greased wax paper. Oh i forgot i also add chopped pecans to this mixture as much as you like or can afford. Bake 400 degrees for 40 min.

Comments: I save the ends of bread loaf(we use an iron rich kids bread that is suppose to be good for kids and since even my hubby wont eat wheat bread). Anyway I save the ends in my freezer when i have accumulated enough i make this bread cake recipe which is very good! This is a delicious recipe and great use for leftovers. Variations include using coconut instead of cinnamon or 1/4 c. cocoa powder or T. vanilla …all in place of cinnamon.