Here is a way to rip off the

coke machines you see out side of stores and other places! ok first on all vending machines there are always those rouund almost unpickable locks when no one is looking take a peice of air hardening clayy (make sure it is only air hardening!) and press it into the lock real good! then remove the clay carefully and put it somewhere to dry! make sure the clay is TOTALY dry then go back in a day or so and you will have a key to fit that lock put the key in and push and turn and presto the machine will open allowing you to take all the money! a good machine will get you between 2100 and 300 dollars depending when it was last checked by the company. and best of all if someone sees you just put the key on the ground and step on it and its powder! and then you cant be busted because the evidence is blown away! More? so that's it and if anyone has any good schemes, write a file on them and add to the phringe phile collection.

bye for now.