The Russell Daily News, Monday, Feb. 24, 1992


Wichta (UPI) – It was a Valentines Day to remember for a Wichita man who spent more than 12 hours with a 7 1/2 pound barbell weight stuck on his erect penis.

   Fire department officials Friday were reluctant to talk about the

incident for fear of embarrassing the man, and refused to released his name.

   A fire department report said the man showed up at St. Francis Regional

Medical Center about 5 p.m. Feb. 14 "distressed and desperate."

   The man told hospital workers he had decided early that morning to see

if he would fit into the center hole of a barbell weight. He did, initially, but when he became erect, the man could not remove his penis.

   A doctor worked with the man for more than a hour, eventually calling

for a fire department rescue squad and a medical officer. They arrived, and according to the incident reports, decided to try using bolt cutters to remove the weight. They succeeded in cutting a large chunk of the cast-iron weight away, but could not get through a center retaining ring to free the man.

   The firefighters had decided to get a heavier cutting tool to finish 

the job, but the physician intervened.

   Instead, a urologist made an incision, allowing the man's penis to drain 

and go limp, and removed the weight.

   The man was released from the hospital a short time later, and has not

been heard from since.